Safe Hands courses arranged

Two Safe Hands Courses for Club Safeguarding Officers have been arranged for February.
This course is mandatory for anyone in a club safeguarding role and lasts around three hours. Once completed your certificate lasts for three years.
The cost is £30 per attendee, clubs will be invoiced directly. Second attendees from the same club can go for half price and club chairs attending with a CSO can go for free.
In addition, candidates will need a current ECB DBS and a Safeguarding certificate. If anyone has any queries or require further information they can contact Cricket Shropshire’s Safeguarding Officer Sheila Dickie via
Please register via the links below.
Monday 10th February – Wrekin College Cricket Pavilion, Telford commencing at 6.30pm
Tuesday 25th February – Wrekin College Cricket Pavilion, Telford commencing at 6.30pm