Trusts & Foundations
Find out the work we offer for Trusts & Foundations in Shropshire.
At Cricket Shropshire, our ambition is to take cricket to every corner of the County, and one of the ways we can do that is by delivering Cricket in every school in Shropshire. However, there are some barriers that mean this ambition could be tricky. But, with the help of Trusts & Foundations, we can reach our goal, attributing to Cricket being the most inclusive sport.
Cricket has an amazing power to cross cultural, social and gender divides, meaning the social purpose is of equal importance as the game itself.
We want to empower teachers to lead sessions, have a tangible outcome whether that be community activity, school clubs, teacher CPD or competition etc. As well as this, we would like to work with Trusts to deliver Young Leaders Programmes in Secondary schools then taking this reach further when they will deliver activity for local primary schools.

Our Trust & Foundation Offer.
If you are interested in working on this with us, please complete form below: