Entries open for state school competitions

Cricket Shropshire will be running three state school-only competitions this Summer as part of the Chance to Shine Programme (Chance to Compete).
The competitions planned are as follows and will be day long festivals held at Frankwell Cricket Ground, Shrewsbury:
- Under 12 Mixed – Tuesday 25th June
- Under 13 Girls – Thursday 13th June
- Under 15 Girls – Thursday 20th June
Please return attached entry form no later than close of play on Friday 26th April 2023.
Competition rules are attached and playing schedules will be sent nearer the dates.
Winners of the Girls festivals will go on to represent Shropshire in the regional finals on dates to be confirmed – venue Edgbaston (TBC)
Last year, Thomas Adams Under 13 girls from Wem claimed the regional title at Finals Day at Edgbaston representing Shropshire (pictured).
If anyone has any queries, they can contact Darrell Corfield via darrell.corfield@shropshirecricketboard.co.uk