U12 Boys Winter Programme Registration

Cricket Shropshire – U12 Boys Winter Programme Registration 2025

ECB have requested that the following question be asked as part of the terms surrounding funding we receive for the CAG Programme: What type of primary/secondary school did you attend?

Do you have any other siblings that are involved in the Pathway?
Do you have access to transport to and from sessions
Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism etc.
Does your child have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCPs)
I give consent for the SCB to capture photos/videos for coaching and promotional use on our social media sites and website
I give consent for the coaching staff to take appropriate action in the unlikely event of an emergency, including the administering of Emergency First Aid.
I confirm I have read and understood the Cricket Shropshire Code of Conduct attached to the original email.