School Delivery Feedback Form

Cricket Shropshire School Cricket Delivery Feedback Form 2024/25

Cricket Shropshire would appreciate your time in filling out our feedback form Our Chance to Shine delivery team work hard to deliver inclusive and fun sessions, working through the CHANCE TO SHINE Programme. Developing skills, confidence and enjoyment, as well as building on teamwork and life skills. Involving teaching staff is key to a successful programme with positive outcomes. Thank you for you time. Feedback helps us to develop future programme delivery and content.

Did your pupils remain focused on relevant skills and apply them throughout the session?
Do you feel empowered to deliver Cricket at your setting?
Did the coach take time to explain activities clearly and make the sessions interesting for EVERYONE?
Did the coach use the schools recognition and reward scheme/school values effectively during the sessions?
Would you be interested in further discussions around our Additional Coaching Programme?