Cricket Shropshire Junior League Expression of Interest 2025 Cricket Shropshire Junior Leagues Expression of Interest 2025 Name of ClubWould you be interested in SCB facilitating Junior Cricket Fixtures/Events on behalf of your club? Yes No If YES, please select which of the following age groups and formats you would like to enter. U10/11 Incrediball (Regional) U11 Pairs Hardball League (Regional) U11 T20 Hardball League (County) U13 Pairs/T20 Hardball League (Regional) U13 T20 Hardball League (County) U15 T20 Hardball League U18 Hundred Competition If you have insufficient players for a certain age group but would be interested in joining a 'Renegades' team, please tick the relevant format. U10/11 Incrediball (Regional) U11 Pairs Hardball League (Regional) U11 T20 Hardball League (County) U13 Pairs/T20 Hardball League (Regional) U13 T20 Hardball League (County) U15 T20 Hardball League U18 Hundred Competition For the 2025 season, divisions will have less teams to ensure the minimum of 6 fixtures are fulfilled. Would your club be interested in an additional Cup Competition once all league fixtures are complete? Yes No Primary Contact for all Junior Communications First Last Primary Contact Email Address Primary Contact Telephone NumberIf you know the team managers for each age group, please list them below with their contact email address and telephone number.Any additional comments