Boys Pathway

Development Programme (U11-U13)

Our Development Programme focuses on our younger Age Groups (Boys and Girls). Further info below;

  • Deliver programmes that allow for more players, more opportunity and more fluidity (we have District & Development groups as part of the programme with fluidity and opportunity to move between groups if appropriate- delaying definitive selection)
  • An accessible entry point to the programme which includes delivery of an initial coaching and assessment phase (Autumn)
  • Delivery of a winter coaching and summer match play programme to include varied development opportunities and a mix of ‘intra-squad’ and ‘inter County’ fixtures
  • Be localised, aiming to minimise travel
  • To build foundational skillsets and competences which allow players to perform to their maximal capability over time
  • To inspire players to commit to a lifelong engagement in cricket

Our Development Programme Lead is Darrell Corfield and he can be contacted via the details below;


Phone: 07841 475679

Performance Programme (U14-18)

Our Performance Programme focuses on our older Age Groups (Boys and Girls). Further info below;

  • Coaching Programmes to challenge and enhance skills- building on fundamentals/basics
  • Continued fluidity and flexibility with players outside the programme who are showing potential able to access additional coaching and match play opportunities if appropriate
  • ECB Age Group competitions begin at these age groups
  • Creating competitive teams
  • Creating an identity as to how we want to play our cricket and players understanding their roles in matches
  • Focus on pathway opportunities- progression into EPP Programmes/ First Class Academies/National Counties 1st XI

The Performance Programme Lead is Ed Ashlin who can be contacted via:

Boys EPP

Our Boys EPP Programme is supported by our First-Class partner Worcestershire County Cricket Club (WCCC) and aims to offer players of high potential between the ages of 13 and 18 additional support. Selected players get integrated and specialist coaching on a weekly basis through the Autumn/Winter months. Further information and objectives below;

  • to augment the existing County Age-Group playing programme
  • to provide young players of high potential with crucial early development to develop the core foundations of future performance
  • to provide a longitudinal opportunity for the assessment of future potential
  • to inform selection and create better transitions into the 18 FCC Academy programmes

The core delivery model is that Shropshire Cricket Board (SCB) will work collaboratively with Worcestershire County Cricket Club (WCCC) to promote the advancement of players to a First-Class County Academy.

As part of the selection process, players are monitored via the Development and Performance Programmes. Scouting is also in place via the summer match programme. A cohort of players is confirmed annually to gain additional support via this programme.

We currently have six registered Shropshire EPP players with two Shropshire players on the full Worcestershire Academy Programme.