Spaces available on MCC Foundation Hub for girls

There are still some spaces available on an MCC Foundation Hub for girls which is launched in Shropshire for the first time this week.

The free Hub based at Shrewsbury School is being run as a 10-week programme and there are spaces for girls aged 13-16 who are State school educated and not part of the County Age Group Programme.

The sessions start this Friday, January 10, and run through to March 21 from 6-7.30pm each week with a one-week break in February.

The Hub is also running sessions for boys at Shrewsbury School along the same lines. 

It is part of the MCC Foundation Hub programme which aims to provide free training and match play to 6,500 state-educated young cricketers at over 150 sites across the UK. 

The Hubs focus is on talent: helping promising youngsters who are engaged in cricket develop their skills alongside other young cricketers.

The 10-week programme of indoor training will be followed by a series of games against other hubs and County Age Group teams.

There is also the chance to enter a nationwide knockout competition where four finalists, two Girls’ teams and two Boys’ teams, will earn themselves the unforgettable opportunity to play in a Grand Final on the Main Ground at Lord’s. 

In addition to the free 10-week training programme and game opportunities, participants will be provided with an MCC Foundation Hub T-shirt to wear for training/playing.

To register CLICK HERE and select Shrewsbury Girls hub.

If anyone has any queries they can contact Darrell Corfield via

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