Half-term cricket workshops arranged

Cricket Shropshire has cricket workshops planned for youngsters during the February half-term.
The workshops, one for boys and one for girls, will take place at Wrekin College Sports Hall in Wellington and will feature morning and afternoon sessions.
They are split as below and will cost £20 per workshop, £35 for the full day, and will be run by Cricket Shropshire and County Age Group coaches.
There are 20 spaces available on each workshop.
Wednesday 19th February Girls Only (Year 6-10 inclusive)
Workshop One – 9.30am until 12.30pm – Batting Versus Pace
Workshop Two – 1pm until 4pm – Fielding/game-based scenarios
Thursday 20th February Boys Only (Year 6-8 inclusive)
Workshop One – 9.30am until 12.30pm – Batting Versus Pace
Workshop Two – 1pm until 4pm – Fielding/game-based scenarios
To book for the Girls only workshops CLICK HERE.
To book for the Boys only workshops CLICK HERE.
Anyone who wants more information can contact Darrell Corfield via darrell.corfield@cricketshropshire.co.uk